airing out—or, an author event!

If you've ever read my ABOUT page, you know that I spend approximately 85% of my waking hours in the kitchen. But from time to time, I'm let out into the world and the other night was one of those occasions. I was invited to speak at the ETA Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma, an international organization of teachers that "promotes professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education."

We chatted as we enjoyed a lovely dinner together and then I read a passage from THE MOSQUITO HOURS, shared the origins of each of my novels, talked about the writing process as I know it and relayed a bit about my latest manuscript-in-process. Teachers are a wonderful bunch—they are curious people by nature and ask really interesting questions, which made for great conversation.

Yes, it is a blurry picture, but, on my honor, it's me. Also the blurriness functions similarly to candlelight: Voilà! Wrinkles smoothed out of existence! Poof! Gray hair? What gray hair? Who is that stunning 20-year-old?

Writing is a solitary practice which makes it a perfect occupation for an introvert like me.  But when I do air myself out every now and again, I remember how fun it can be! Of course, the company makes all the difference and the DKG members were a pleasure and I am grateful to have been extended the opportunity to share time with them.

I actually have a couple of events coming up this fall. Next month, I will be at the New Bedford Book Festival on October 15th and 16th and then I will be a featured writer of the Author Series at the Lafayette Durfee House in Fall River, Massachusetts, on November 20th. If you are local, I would be so happy to see you! If you are not local, there are things such as planes, cars, trains, etc. No pressure, though.

Hey, you have a super-wonderful Friday!


Find my novels, THE MOSQUITO HOURS and TALKING UNDERWATER, online at Amazon and Barnes & Noble. And don’t forget your local independent bookstore! I’m curious about something: would you like to stay up-to-date on news about my books as well as have my latest blog posts conveniently delivered to your inbox? Then subscribe to my newsletter! Click on that little box right over there on the right. See how easy I made that for you? (You’re welcome.)